How to Write Persuasive Titles
One of the most important things to consider when writing an article, is the title. I don’t know about you, but when I first started blogging I used to write mysterious titles, which I thought, would make people curious to find out more about the subject. I was very wrong. The world wide web is over-saturated with information, and this means that people no longer have the time to ponder upon a subject.
Not to mention the fact that titles which are not very relevant to the subject tend to rank lower in search engines. The question is, how to write a powerful title? A title is a call-to-action, and it is as important, if not more important to the content, because it is in the few short seconds in which the potential visitor reads it that he decides whether or not to click on the link. Here are a few tips that will help you write better, motivational titles.
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1. Write for Humans, Not Search Engines
More often than not, I have found titles which were probably written for search engine crawlers, because they had keywords stuff into it. We have been trained to think of SEO when we write, but don’t take it to the extreme. It’s great to optimize your content, but even if you manage to rank your article higher with an optimized title, ultimately, the user is the one who will click(or not) on it. Another tip would be to write a descriptive title, which says a lot about the subject at hand.
2. Use Proper Grammar and Spelling
Some of you might laugh at this point, but the fact of the matter is that there are so many titles which are written in bad English, that I feel the need to stress this problem. Put yourself in the place of the visitor. Would you click on a link which doesn’t make sense? The article title says a lot about what you will find in the post. There are also some, who use slang in their articles. OK, maybe it is accepted for tweets and facebook statuses to be written in the same way you would talk to your homey, but us readers ain’t down with that biz. Last but not least, choose your punctuation marks wisely. For example, an exclamation mark might translate as enthusiasm to you, but for the reader it might mean aggressiveness.
3. Research Your Niche
Depending on the subject that you are writing on, you might want to do some keywords research before deciding on titles. You can use Google Keyword for example, and determine which keywords are needed on that particular niche. This way, you have a better chance to rank on the top results on Google, and you will also be filling the web space with important information. According to a digital agency in New York, the best chances of attracting readers is by writing compelling, persuasive titles which are clearly related to the content.
4. Think About your Potential Audience
Although point number three is very useful, especially for targeted fields where there are many knowledgeable people, there are certain niches which are a little tricky. For example, most people have no idea what they are looking for, in most cases. They might not know what exactly you call that thing which is used to watch stars, so you have to anticipate these little problems.
These are only four tricks that will help you improve your article titles. However, you should also be careful with the length of the article, the type of voice you are using and how exactly are you attracting people to your blog.